How to draw Gacha life

How to draw Gacha life. 

Developed in 2018, Gacha life is a video game that allows players to create and personalize their animated-style characters. Players can fully personalize their characters in the shape of an eye and finance clothes and shoes. In extreme popularity of this game created a huge request for free gacha life drawing. To meet your best if you create a step-by-step tutorial on drawing Gacha life, summarize in 9 easy and rapid steps. And also read Girl Drawing tutorials.

What is fun in this tutorial and similar real video game is that you can get up to the behavior and looks like an animated version of yourself by drawing your distinct body features. It Is playing gacha life but on paper! Have fun and use trade skills. You can draw many more characters like bow and arrow drawing, Anubis drawing, betta fish drawing, cobra drawing, blueberry drawing, coconut drawing and many more sad drawings easy.

Drawing Gacha life

Step 1:

Starting a drawing square shape with curved edges to form the head of the talent. Then the semicircle attached to the right head creates an ear. With the character slightly facing the sides of one ear visible. See the head of the drawn just a half paper. This area is quite all your body.


Step 2:

The right-hand line draws two short lines of a small space between the two to create a characteristic neck. Then draw your coat on your character with a person.


Step 3:

Draw a vertical line on the left side of the coat. As well as a shorter parallel line. Then draw the horizontal in the bottom connecting two ends of the vertical. Creates left-leg pants and character with a character.


Step 4:

Repeat the previous step opposite to complete the pair of pants. In this, your own being completely dressed, all that is lacking in the pair of shoes corresponds to worship! It is kept for a simple culture that you can see in illustrations. However, feel free to draw any clothes. I love you! Further more’s your gacha life character!


Step 5:

Draw the curved shape to the bottom of each leg to create a shoe. As you can see in the illustration, two feet are oriented to the left because the character face in this direction. Keep this intended to avoid inaccuracy. Similar to clothes, you can also customize shoes and character wears.


Step 6:

Draw a narrow shape under each shirt's sleeves to create two arms of talent. Remember to create a separate curve at the bottom of the two arms to create a toe.


Step 7:

Continue drawing the root of the character's hair that is on the front. Then draw sketched hair around the whole head. It is vain to say you can also be a hair! You can lead to short BOB hair, long hair, or some hair force. You can also put the hair in a ponytail, cute and cute hairstyle. It will be your character more unique!


Step 8:

Now we have finished drawing the cursed head and body to finish the face of a drawing character look facial features. Continue leading two curves to form a form of eyebrows. Then the smaller rising curve maintains the smile on the character's face.

Step 9:

The eyes lead to two huge oval shapes in each eyebrow train students. Join a figure of an inclined line on each oval shape to create a higher eye with your talented eyes. Then draw three forms inside the apple, the oval in the middle, a small circle in the bottom left, and a semicircle in the right corner. Now the shadow of the entire oval shape that the inside student adds to the eyes! Awaited time for a long time? It is much more pleasant if you have found your talent to draw and color.


It is where you can present the arts and ability to mix and peer colors. The colors you want for a character depend completely on you, but this is a useful tip: to create color, mix the white, yellow, blue, and red colors. Depending on the complexion you are trying to use, you may need to add more than a specific color. Note that color colors are more with coloring materials that are quite easy to combine as undergraduate or acrylic paint! Have fun playing with colors, and watch your character last for life!


Take Gacha's life drawing to a higher level.

Make this drawing of Gacha's life even better when you show her some delivery tips! Now, what is designed to do what you don't like? The game is to express your creativity, so you can add accessories that best represent your taste. These could include a handbag, a hat, recent ocular, and perhaps large earrings! No bad answers and you can add to imagine the Gacha's life form. These additional details also give you more elements to color later.


We are on the colors in the previous design, and that is something on which we want to focus. We kept the colors from silence to silence in this plan, but you could be bright or dark as you want! You can use pens, marketing, or paints to color the broken culture. Or you prefer to be an obscure Goths to the character. It's exactly you, and at least one of you, creativity to go wild in your work in colors. Then we recommend that you add that experience to this gacha life drawing. Adding a background is a simple but effective way to create a stage about this character.


By adding one, you can do a macro out of the game, but you can also create a unique parameter if you prefer. What places would you like to spend? Now that you have finished this pulling in Gacha life, you can change some of the details of your creation. You can create a new person by changing hair, clothing, and facial features! Or, you can keep her looking for what he does or surround her with friends and gacha life with different plans. Just continue to follow the tracks that followed and change some of the details to see what they offer.


Your Gacha Life Drawing is complete!

Is there have you successfully created your unique character in Gacha life? It was very fun, was not? I remember all the tutorials are free, as you can use the doctrine material to help you pull interesting objects, animals, and characters fast and easily! When you finish drawing and coloring your character in Gacha life, remember to get a photo of your work!


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